Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thing # 18

Google Docs is by far my favorite. It might be because I have already been using the Google platform so long, and it is easy and familiar for me to navigate and interfaces with. I love the online forms application process. When I can get one less thing to do, I am so there. Less sifting and less paperwork, digital or other wise. I have used their eco friendly Blackle search page for years, and so this is just a natural progression for me.
Becasue it is web based, you don't have to worry about what platform everyone is using. Do I have office 97, or 2004, or the lastest version. Will I be able to open it or will it have to be sent again or made into a PDF which is a read only doc.... all of this is a mute point and one less head ache... well actually 2 less for me!

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